Elizabeth Page
There is something about lifting our voices together in choral singing that transports me to a different mental and physical space. The work of learning and rehearsing music no doubt improves my memory and brain, and it is fun to be with others working toward a shared goal. But it’s beautiful to hear the harmonies come together as the music becomes greater than the individual singer and part. In a society which focuses on individual achievement and goals, it is a welcome change to sing choral music where the individual voice should not stand out, but blends into the greater whole. It feels cooperative and communal.
When the piece has been rehearsed and is ready to perform, the chorus becomes as one…breathing together, blending together, and probably even having our heart rates align. I am transported into the beauty of the music, and into the period in which it was written, located in time and yet eternal. It is a joy to share this with other singers, and with an audience. I particularly feel this in sacred choral music, where the text becomes alive and the music soars upwards to the heavens – truly a religious experience for me.
Choral singing is a wonderful experience – mentally, physically and spiritually – and I am very grateful to be able to sing with MWC!